Oh wow, it only took Dana and I about 2 months to get this episode out, hahahaha!! Good thing it is awesome! No seriously, it is a cool show for parents of transgender children, and for anyo
Episode 4
Episode 4 of TransCisTer Radio is live! Exciting! Here is my write up about the episode: In this episode, Dana and Kelly introduce three amazing segments: Catching Up, Transgender in the News, and Ask
Dana on TransCister Radio
I have had some sort of mental block in sharing my latest endeavor with my friends here on FB.. I think it makes me feel a little vulnerable to throw this out for people who actually know me to hear!
My Podcast – TransCisTer Radio
I don’t remember when my friend Dana first mentioned to me the idea of she and I doing a podcast, though I do know what my response was, sure! I didn’t really know a whole lot about podcas